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07.02.2021 00:56 - История на Траките
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The Thracians = the Sea Peoples who sacked Egypt = Amazigh (Berbers).... Kabyle tribe in Algeria etc is from Kabyle Thrace


History of the Thracians


Fon Thracian9 months ago

Here some middle ages proofs about that.. Joannes Zonaras (12th century): "[...] Paeonians - Latins or Thracian people, Macedons. These are so-called Paeonians. Paeonians are Bulgarians [...]" Johannes Tzetzes (12th century): "[...] The Paeonians are Bulgarians [...]" Gilo Tusculanus (11th century): "[...] Bulgarians who are named Thracians according to the previous (older) monuments [...]" John Malalas (6th century): "[...] Achilles left with the Atreidai, bringing his own army of 3000 of the men known then as Myrmidons but known now as Bulgars [...]" Michael Attaleiates (11th century): "[...] The Moesi are certainly Bulgarians who later received their new name. [...] the Bulgarians are the Myrmidons [...]" Joan Ekzarh (10th century): "[...] The Thessalian Myrmidons of Achilles are Bulgarians [...]" Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator (5th century): "[...] The Bulgarians are old Moesian or Illyrian people [...]" Magnus Felix Ennodius (6th century): "[...] The Bulgarians are old Moesian or Illyrian people [...]" Demetrios Chomatenos (13th century): "[...] This Great father and enlightener of Bulgaria was from the European Moesians by origin, which the people usually know also as Bulgarians [...]" Anastasius Bibliothecarius (4th century): "[...] The Bulgarians have united their homeland in accordance to their blood right [...]" Leo the Deacon (10th century): "[...] For the Byzantines, the words Moesians, Scythians, and Bulgarians mean the same thing, they use them as synonymes [...] V-VI century - Ioannes Malalas: "The so called Achilles went with Atreidai and led his own army of three thousand men, then called Myrmidons and now Bulgarians" - page 97 http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/03d/0491-0578,_Ioannes_Malalas,_Chronographia_(CSHB_Dindorfii_Recensione),_GR_LT.pdf picture from the text in Greek: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150315761464099&set=o.122376701166845&type=1&theater - Michael Attaleiates: History - ""the Moesi ... are certainly Bulgarians who later received their new name ... Bulgarians Myrmidons ..." - John Zonaras: ""Paeonians - Latins or Thracian people of Macedonia. These are so-called Paeonians. Paeonians were Bulgarians. " - Johannes Tzetza: ""Pyros and Akamas (native) of the Thracian Hellespont, Maronietza Evfimos son of Treziius, Pirehmie, who was of the Paeonians they were all from the Bulgarians, from those of the river Axios, also called Vardar"" (see photo with Greek text). XI century - ""Bulgarians who are named Thracians according to the previous (old) monuments"" - „Hinc iter aggressi per fines Vulgariorum, quos vocitant Thracas, ut habent monumenta priorum“ - Fulcher of Chartres, a French priest, (a description of the first crusade in 1096) III-IV century - Mavro Orbin cites evidence of Marcus Aurelius Kasiodor that Bulgarians fought with the Romans about 390 AD. - Cassiodorus writes that the Bulgarians are old Moesian or Illyrian people - Ennodius Ticinensis (473-524, Bishop, court historian of the Gothic King Theodoric) indicate that Bulgarians are old Moesian and Illyrian people. - 4th century map (see photo) by St. Jerome (331-420) - Mesia hec & Vulgaria (Misia here and Bulgaria). It is composed by even older maps - Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea (270 to 33, called the "father of church history." The map is preserved in a copy of the 12th century. http://letopisec.blog.bg/photos/123281/original/Karta_Ieronim_4_vek22222.jpg I-II century -Flavius Josephus writes ""Dacians called Bulgarians"" In addition: - Ravennatis Anоnymi Cosmographia: „Inter vero Tratiam vel Macedoniam et Mysiam inferiorem modo Bulgari habitant, qui ex super scripta maiore Scythia egressi sunt.” https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5a/Karte_Ravennat.jpg http://www.venstar.de/extra/App0003a.bmp - Demetrios Chomateno: Brief Life of Clement Ohridski - ""This great Father was a native from the European Moesians, people usually known as Bulgarians. They were displaced in the old days by the military power of Alexander of placement of Brusa, Olympus to the North Atlantic and the Dead Sea, and after a long time with terrible army crossed the Danube and invaded all the neighboring areas: Pannonia and Dalmatia, Thrace and Illyricum, and and much of Macedonia and Thessaly

 gaby4 months ago

Thracians , Dacians , Getae , Agatarsos , Scythians, Illyrians, Trojans , Filistins , Goths ,Costobocs , Apulii and 200 more tribes were the same people according to Herodotus. He wrote : "Getae are the most brave and most righteous between Thracians. Thracians are the most multitudinous people after Indians and bear the names of the location they inhabit" . Black Sea was known as Getae Sea. These tribes stretched from Krakow (crac mean leg in Romanian, where Vistula river make two CRACs) and forested Carpathians to the south in Boeotia and Phocis (Greece). From the sources of the Danube in Germany to the river Don in Russia. One race, one population, with many names and many customs.
Estelle A3 weeks ago

I had never heard that Aries had ties to Bulgaria before, that"s interesting. Orfeus and Dyonisous are gods that come from these regions and worshipped by Thracians from what I"ve found in my own research. I"ve read this in different sources over the years as well as visited some interesting sites in Bulgaria during my travels. The province that today goes by the name Kardjali still uses Orfeus as a provincial symbol. This is really interesting since no one ever really mentions this anywhere. I find it very interesting that Orfeus is still meaningful to the region, but it"s not commonly known or accepted. I actually asked my professor in Antiquity at University about this, her only explanation was that different regions worshipped different gods. However, she couldn"t explain why Bulgarians claim that Orfeus" birthplace was in this region of today"s Bulgaria. Ofc, it"s very hard to trace and all religions and gods are just different versions of each other - they all inspired each other and "cross-bread" to fit their societies needs. It"s sad that the Thracians have been neglected in research especially since they obviously had very interesting techniques and were forward people. Hopefully, Bulgaria can now fund some more research on archaeology now that they"re a part of the EU. I mean the oldest gold treasure has been found in Bulgaria but also neglected by western history. It"s a shame really, the region is the bridge between Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Lots of people have been in these regions and lots of things have happened in those regions, I just wanna dig it all up and look under the earth and see what we can find! There are so many discoveries, in only Sofia, that has caused the building of the Subway to take 10 years longer than expected. They just find new things all the time, it"s crazy! Just imagen all the interesting things that could be found around the whole region :)

Mayuresh Kelkar6 months ago (edited)

Thraco Phrygians are the Bhrugu of the Rig Veda. Dacians are the Dasa of the Rig Veda and Dahae of the Avesta. English is an Indo European language of the West Germanic branch. English milk, Tocharian malke, Latin mulgeo, Old Irish melg, Greek amelgo, Russian moloko and so forth. Linguistic, textual, genetic and archaeological evidence for the Out of India Theory of Indo European Languages Baghpat Chariots, Weapons and the Horse in the Harappan Civilization - Dr. BK Manjul @​

Here are the tribes that spread the Indo European languages from South Asia to West Asia, Central Asia and to Europe Avestan) Afghanistan: Proto-Iranian: Sairima (Śimyu), Dahi (Dāsa). NE Afghanistan: Proto-Iranian: Nuristani/Piśācin (Viṣāṇin). Pakhtoonistan (NW Pakistan), South Afghanistan: Iranian: Pakhtoon/Pashtu (Paktha). Baluchistan (SW Pakistan), SE Iran: Iranian: Bolan/Baluchi (Bhalāna). NE Iran: Iranian: Parthian/Parthava (Pṛthu/Pārthava). SW Iran: Iranian: Parsua/Persian (Parśu/Parśava). NW Iran: Iranian: Madai/Mede (Madra). Uzbekistan: Iranian: Khiva/Khwarezmian (Śiva). W. Turkmenistan: Iranian: Dahae (Dāsa). Ukraine, S, Russia: Iranian: Alan (Alina), Sarmatian (Śimyu). Turkey: Thraco-Phrygian/Armenian: Phryge/Phrygian (Bhṛgu). Romania, Bulgaria: Thraco-Phrygian/Armenian: Dacian (Dāsa). Greece: Greek: Hellene (Alina). Albania: Albanian: Sirmio (Śimyu).

Agim Retkoceri1 month ago

The Illyrians, Thracians, Dacians, Macedonians - were all 90 tribes of the same race on the Illyrian Peninsula. The oldest population living in the present-day territories as "Bulgarian" inhabited, with the tribes with the Thracian name, is mentioned, for the first time, by the ancient poet, Homer (VIII century). If we can believe, in Homer"s "iliad", the Thracian tribes along with those Illyrian Pelasgians, also took part in the Trojan War (1250 BC), under the command of King Rezos. The name Thracian, means man, people who are masters of making spears, bows, arrows, craft of processing weapons of war. Then they were like cultivators, of lambs, sheep, in twigs knitted with twigs, then of horses, buffaloes, oxen. The Thracians were "brave", and warlike people, in wars, which took place, as people of sports, both fighting, as brave gladiators with people and animals, Thus, like the Thracians and the Dacians, as the Illyrian Pelasgians, they are almost close to a trunk as the Illyrians, ie as Pelasgians. old Homer .. There are opinions that the Thracian, Dacian and Macedonian languages, as Illyrian dialects of the Thracian, Dacian and Macedonian tribes, are considered dead. After all, they did not speak now, they do not exist. Old Illyrian existed today that was close to the language of Thracians, Dacians, Macedonians, as dialects, its also those as dialects of those living. Since it has been proven that more than 65 percent (%) of Dacian words, as a lexicon discovered and widely found today can not be interpreted in any other language, neither Romanian, nor Bulgarian, nor modern Turkish but it can be proved only through the words or lexicon of today"s Albanian.

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